Forgiveness at Capability
29-05-2016, 10:50 AM
Story (7) By: Ibrahim S. Nadir
Forgiveness at Capability
Translated by : Qahtan F. AL-Khatib / Iraq

One of the school pupils infringed upon (Khalid) and insulted him but Khalid did not return the like for his classmate. He went to the school headmaster and complained to him. The latter requested the class master (Asim) to investigate the complaint so as to point out the aggressor.

At last it was proved that the pupil (Omar) had infringed upon Khalid and that he had breached the conventional rules of behavior and etiquette; therefore the school headmaster decided to punish him by dismissing him for a week depriving him of education. (Khalid) narrated the incident to his grandfather honestly after the latter’s return from the evening prayer.

- “Was my behavior wrong with him, grandfather ?” inquired Khalid.
- “No, my son. “said the grandfather confidently. “Your behavior was but rational and sound indicating etiquette, discipline and well-bred. But, son, “added the grandfather, “ remember God’s saying (In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful: Believers are brothers.) He is your classmate. Tomorrow, when you grow up, if God wishes, and succeed, you may meet together and work together in one college, bureau or factory, there will be good relationship between you, wonderful memories and beautiful witty sayings about study days and the pupils’ naughty. When I meet my colleague Alhaj (Salim) at the coffee-house, we together enjoy and rejoice at our childhood memories when we learnt the Holy Koran at the Grand Mosque together, and how Alhaj (Salim) was trapped on account of me. I was able to escape. We kept on laughing for a long time. Ah ! What lovely and happy days they were ! I wish they returned once more. Oh son. You have to forgive and pardon your classmate (Omar) and to start saluting him before he does. Forgiveness at capability is the brain decoration, men’s temper and knights’ notability. Today I am going to tell you a beautiful tale about (Forgiveness at capability) hoping you like it and benefit from its essence as well as good meaning:

There was said to be, dearly beloved, that there was a lion which came out of its lair. Returning to it, the lion found a small mouse looking for something to eat inside it. Seeing it, the mouse was startled and disturbed. It stood up scared and trembling. The lion comforted it.
- “Take it easy,”, said the lion, “take it easy. Don’t be afraid. Go away safe. I’ve pardoned you.”
Fear left the mouse and it was at ease.

Then it left thanking the lion for its pardon and forgiveness.
A couple of days later, the lion was roped together in a trap prepared for its hunting. Having seen it, the mouse remembered its previous favor and great deed. It came to the lion running and said:
- “I have come to you, rapidly so as to cut off your ropes.”
- “There is no need for you,” said the lion. “I shall cut them off by my power.”

The lion tried several times but it felt unable to do so. The mouse advanced to it saying:
- “If your power fails you, favor and good chivalry do.”

The mouse conducted biting the ropes till all of them were cut off. Thus the lion remained safe and said. “Treating indulgently is met by doing good.”

Did you, dearly beloved, enjoy the tale? You, (Khalid)

- “Yes, grandfather. It is interesting and it involves an eloquent lesson. Tomorrow, I shall meet my school headmaster and request pardon and apology for my classmate (Omar). I shall ask for permission to let him return to study.