The God Particle or the Higgs Boson
11-12-2024, 08:54 AM
In the realm of the infinitesimal, where matter is reduced to its most basic constituents, a question of profound complexity emerges. Science grapples with the task of elucidating why certain particles, such as photons, are manifestations of pure energy, while others, like quarks and leptons, possess mass.
The Standard Model, a theoretical framework that delineates the fundamental building blocks of matter, posits the existence of an energy-carrying particle residing in a ubiquitous field known as the Higgs field. This field, pervading the entirety of the Universe, exists in a state of equilibrium.
When particles known as fermions interact with the Higgs particle within this field, they acquire mass, metamorphosing into quarks and leptons. Initially, these particles, akin to photons, possess no mass. It is the interaction with the Higgs field that endows these atomic particles with their physical properties, transmuting them into quarks or leptons, and thus bringing them into existence.
This transformative process has led some scientists to refer to the Higgs field as the ‘Lord’s field’, a testament to its role in shaping the physical character of the Universe’s most fundamental particles. This nomenclature underscores the profound implications of the Higgs field in our understanding of the nature of matter and the fabric of reality itself.
The concept at hand may appear intricate, so let’s illuminate it with a metaphor: Imagine the Higgs field as a blanket of snow, and consider four entities that traverse this snowy expanse:
• Firstly, a skier glides swiftly across the snow’s surface on two skis. The snow offers little resistance to the skis, and only a minimal amount of it clings to them.
• Secondly, an individual wearing specially designed snow shoes treads through the snow. Their pace is slower than the skier’s, but a larger quantity of snow adheres to their shoes.
• Thirdly, another person wearing regular shoes struggles to cross the snowy terrain. Upon completing their journey, they find that their shoes have accumulated more snow than those who preceded them.
• Lastly, a bird soars above the snow, unimpeded by it, and thus, no snow attaches to it.
Drawing parallels from these four scenarios, the first example corresponds to electrons navigating the Higgs field: their interaction with the field is feeble, and they acquire only a small mass. The second example pertains to quarks, the fundamental constituents of matter. The third example is representative of the W and Z bosons, the carriers of the weak nuclear force. Lastly, the fourth example applies to the photon, which does not interact with the Higgs field and consequently, does not gain mass. This analogy provides a simplified understanding of the complex interactions within the Higgs field.
It should be noted that the Higgs field does not give atomic particles mass from nothing. This statement completely contradicts the law of conservation of matter, which says that matter does not perish nor can be created from nothing. Simply put, the proton, for example, consists of three quarks which are the basic building blocks of matter. Nevertheless, its basic mass does not come from the mass of these quarks, but rather its combined mass is much smaller than the mass of the proton (it represents only 1% of that). Rather, the mass of the proton comes mainly from the interaction energy between these quarks and the Gluon, which is the particle that carries the strong force; this is further explained by a theory called Quantum chromodynamics.
The same applies to the mutual influence between the Higgs field and the atomic material particles. It is to be noted that as the atomic particles depend on the Higgs field to give them their mass and thus their physical existence, the mass of the Higgs particle located in this field must be greater than 129.4 ± 5.6 giga electron volts to be qualified for this interaction.
As a matter of fact, this is the limit for the Universe not to collapse on itself in a blink of an eye[1]. This leads to another reason for calling the Higgs field as the field of god, although its discoverer, Mr. Higgs did not approve of the name and saw it as a title for publishing and promoting exciting news. Rather, God, who created the Universe from very fine atomic particles, beginning with the Higgs particle and progressing to the largest galaxy, is unquestionably capable of annihilating or preserving the Universe at any time. It is critical to recognize that it is not only the fundamental properties of physical laws, such as particle masses and force strengths, that are finely balanced.
It is worth noting that our Universe was endowed with plenty of free energy to power the processes that allowed us to exist. The question of fine-tuning applies not only to the cosmos we see around us, but also to whatever set the Universe's clock in motion in the first place. Because of the fine-tuning of the Universe's initial density, it doesn't take much to cause a suicidal expansion.
When we look at the density of the Universe one nanosecond after the Big Bang, we can see that it was enormous, around 1024 kg per cubic meter. This is a large number, but if the Universe were just one kilogram per cubic meter higher, it would have collapsed by now. And the Universe would have expanded too quickly to form stars and galaxies if it had a single kg per cubic meter less.
The existence of the Higgs particle was confirmed with near-absolute certainty by experiments conducted in the CERN reactor on July 4th, 2012, and October 8th, 2013.[2] The existence of the Higgs particle was confirmed with near-absolute certainty by experiments conducted in the CERN reactor on July 4th, 2012, and October 8th, 2013.
There has been considerable scientific research on possible links between the Higgs field and the inflation of the Universe - a hypothetical field suggested as the explanation for the expansion of space during the first fraction of a second of the Universe known as the "inflationary epoch". Some theories propose that this phenomenon is caused by a fundamental scalar field; the Higgs field is one such field, and its existence has prompted papers examining whether it is also the inflation responsible for the Big Bang's exponential expansion of the Universe. Such theories are highly tentative and face significant unitary problems, but they may be viable if combined with additional features such as large non-minimal coupling, a Brans-Dicke scalar, or other "new" physics; they have received treatments indicating that Higgs inflation models are still theoretically interesting.
[1] . Anil Ananth swamy, The Higgs boson makes the Universe stable–just Coincidence? New Scientist, 26 October 2016.
[2] . CERN Accelerating science, The Higgs boson.
The Standard Model, a theoretical framework that delineates the fundamental building blocks of matter, posits the existence of an energy-carrying particle residing in a ubiquitous field known as the Higgs field. This field, pervading the entirety of the Universe, exists in a state of equilibrium.
When particles known as fermions interact with the Higgs particle within this field, they acquire mass, metamorphosing into quarks and leptons. Initially, these particles, akin to photons, possess no mass. It is the interaction with the Higgs field that endows these atomic particles with their physical properties, transmuting them into quarks or leptons, and thus bringing them into existence.
This transformative process has led some scientists to refer to the Higgs field as the ‘Lord’s field’, a testament to its role in shaping the physical character of the Universe’s most fundamental particles. This nomenclature underscores the profound implications of the Higgs field in our understanding of the nature of matter and the fabric of reality itself.
The concept at hand may appear intricate, so let’s illuminate it with a metaphor: Imagine the Higgs field as a blanket of snow, and consider four entities that traverse this snowy expanse:
• Firstly, a skier glides swiftly across the snow’s surface on two skis. The snow offers little resistance to the skis, and only a minimal amount of it clings to them.
• Secondly, an individual wearing specially designed snow shoes treads through the snow. Their pace is slower than the skier’s, but a larger quantity of snow adheres to their shoes.
• Thirdly, another person wearing regular shoes struggles to cross the snowy terrain. Upon completing their journey, they find that their shoes have accumulated more snow than those who preceded them.
• Lastly, a bird soars above the snow, unimpeded by it, and thus, no snow attaches to it.
Drawing parallels from these four scenarios, the first example corresponds to electrons navigating the Higgs field: their interaction with the field is feeble, and they acquire only a small mass. The second example pertains to quarks, the fundamental constituents of matter. The third example is representative of the W and Z bosons, the carriers of the weak nuclear force. Lastly, the fourth example applies to the photon, which does not interact with the Higgs field and consequently, does not gain mass. This analogy provides a simplified understanding of the complex interactions within the Higgs field.
It should be noted that the Higgs field does not give atomic particles mass from nothing. This statement completely contradicts the law of conservation of matter, which says that matter does not perish nor can be created from nothing. Simply put, the proton, for example, consists of three quarks which are the basic building blocks of matter. Nevertheless, its basic mass does not come from the mass of these quarks, but rather its combined mass is much smaller than the mass of the proton (it represents only 1% of that). Rather, the mass of the proton comes mainly from the interaction energy between these quarks and the Gluon, which is the particle that carries the strong force; this is further explained by a theory called Quantum chromodynamics.
The same applies to the mutual influence between the Higgs field and the atomic material particles. It is to be noted that as the atomic particles depend on the Higgs field to give them their mass and thus their physical existence, the mass of the Higgs particle located in this field must be greater than 129.4 ± 5.6 giga electron volts to be qualified for this interaction.
As a matter of fact, this is the limit for the Universe not to collapse on itself in a blink of an eye[1]. This leads to another reason for calling the Higgs field as the field of god, although its discoverer, Mr. Higgs did not approve of the name and saw it as a title for publishing and promoting exciting news. Rather, God, who created the Universe from very fine atomic particles, beginning with the Higgs particle and progressing to the largest galaxy, is unquestionably capable of annihilating or preserving the Universe at any time. It is critical to recognize that it is not only the fundamental properties of physical laws, such as particle masses and force strengths, that are finely balanced.
It is worth noting that our Universe was endowed with plenty of free energy to power the processes that allowed us to exist. The question of fine-tuning applies not only to the cosmos we see around us, but also to whatever set the Universe's clock in motion in the first place. Because of the fine-tuning of the Universe's initial density, it doesn't take much to cause a suicidal expansion.
When we look at the density of the Universe one nanosecond after the Big Bang, we can see that it was enormous, around 1024 kg per cubic meter. This is a large number, but if the Universe were just one kilogram per cubic meter higher, it would have collapsed by now. And the Universe would have expanded too quickly to form stars and galaxies if it had a single kg per cubic meter less.
The existence of the Higgs particle was confirmed with near-absolute certainty by experiments conducted in the CERN reactor on July 4th, 2012, and October 8th, 2013.[2] The existence of the Higgs particle was confirmed with near-absolute certainty by experiments conducted in the CERN reactor on July 4th, 2012, and October 8th, 2013.
There has been considerable scientific research on possible links between the Higgs field and the inflation of the Universe - a hypothetical field suggested as the explanation for the expansion of space during the first fraction of a second of the Universe known as the "inflationary epoch". Some theories propose that this phenomenon is caused by a fundamental scalar field; the Higgs field is one such field, and its existence has prompted papers examining whether it is also the inflation responsible for the Big Bang's exponential expansion of the Universe. Such theories are highly tentative and face significant unitary problems, but they may be viable if combined with additional features such as large non-minimal coupling, a Brans-Dicke scalar, or other "new" physics; they have received treatments indicating that Higgs inflation models are still theoretically interesting.
[1] . Anil Ananth swamy, The Higgs boson makes the Universe stable–just Coincidence? New Scientist, 26 October 2016.
[2] . CERN Accelerating science, The Higgs boson.
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