To the whole friendly Burmese people ... opposition and loyalty ...
24-04-2021, 01:40 PM
Burmese People who are suffering…and demanding peace against enemy Tank…
In this world… To All our friends what their aims are the MYANMAR only …
Burma’s Question…
In inviting: The USA, The States of E.U, Allies… The state of China, The State of Russia,
Good Morning…
This is an addition to all written for this topic or this subject recently …
We look at that the situations in Burma country aren’t stable by everyone but those at appearances as if there are more hands to find solutions for this problem than what it is difficult to give any solution for building a free, neutral, neuter, independent, and sovereign state…
These indicators have permitted themselves to create or develop constitutional independence at measures of Wonder show Government with their opinions or ambitions that are at realities who must govern, but you know what is happened // the coup-d’état// …
Our overview at 18 months for a transition period is….
All actors at the Burmese screen are obliged in order to do and work for a uniform spiritual of one aim that is the peaceful coexistence and for making a force for the removal of any foreign pressing not fruitful …too…to refuse that fruitless…
We do not support separating the constitution of religion that we would not tell about separation of the state of religions but the politics of that.
On the other hand, we support the separation of sports and cultures and arts and mass media of politics…and for example, for that, we support to build Agencies for themes.. In addition, Agency for the society like my pronunciation // Burmese Community and Identity People’s//…
And particularly …pushing noose of defence at politics administrations..
*** All of this essay must be in our opinion participating by all categories and specters of people, of all compositions of Burma Nation with no exceptions **** interior like abroad….**
After that..
To compose
Head Organism transition Period
She commends and coordinates by supervising and sharing the missions among:
— Vice-Head of defence and security ……1
— Vice-Head of economy………………………….2
— Vice-Head for preparing a constitution………… 3
— Political and Diplomatic Vice-Head …… 4
— Justice Vice-Head …………5
Each Vice-Head is composing of 40 members according to two members for each community…2 OF ONE COMMUNITY.
Each member is representing to his allying.
These Vice-Heads are in addition to those containing all opposition and the partisan shall be presented and commended by the collaboration between Sir U.N Envoy and Sir U.S. Envoy and Russia and China and Generals and opposition et partisan…to nominate and assign a Burmese Public Personality who is a point of concord and consortium… I.e.: the understanding on him or her …why not…
To encourage and cheer for buying the materials and military gear in order to deploy his secure authority across and overall Lebanese….and to protect by him and its fortunes …
His sponsor is THE 2 and this last is the guides to fortunes…
THE 3…the constitution announces building a state, an entity, a democratic, civil, no military republic…this Vice-Head contains all writing in this road paper or an oversight…
THE 4: guides Lebanese across this world
THE 5: puts the humanity like principles and values …equality, legality, the peace, the justice for the all ROHINGYA Community…in simple and normal word the transitional justice in according to the depth of the U.N…in the same time in utilizing the peaceful mind when and where we imagine and materialize the sentences….
Add and after that, we can speak about a no temporary and invariable government for a Stable State of Burma.
I have a question that is at the same time is a response…
Globally, and, as long as this regime or a system as if at a military, no military history with good or bad has been very different to where exist out of the Burmese people’s who suffers…this area or zone in earth globe have been every time an allying to some states, but the worst of that is why of today is like his past, so we consider and valorize to adopt an approach in according to his nature and the heritage of people’s history-free, neural, neuter, sovereign and independent ..I.e.: to make links among what you have at your mind and heart and spirit with what you must do with abroad –foreign world — ….do not let the peoples condemned by a bygone what doesn’t move as our heads…