....you are all welcome here
06-03-2021, 08:25 AM

/// The West + Japan + South Korea + the Arab Gulf States + the Allies… versus China and the Allies.
That China and its allies would constantly remain a blockade and an obstacle and an impediment frankly in the face of prosperity in the world as a whole and the Middle East specifically.
We would know for sure very well aware that the soft and soft policies and diplomacy you adopt would know too archaic weakened because you do them like that as you knew.
This is why we would advise to follow other strategies the world of yesterday is not like today and not like future. To give diplomatic political alternatives, not criminal military ones, and would hardly use your allies to press.
And there we would invite and remind all the countries of the West and its allies to withdraw all their investments from this country and to orient themselves towards all of Africa and Latin America and the Asian countries all those countries which have always fought and defeated and campaigned for the principles and values ​​of Monroe the founder of the UN
We would seek after observations and remarks not to militarize any confrontation in the world.
Since the middle east the most attacked and suffered and neglected by true peace we would have assembled and amassed ideas called ** the eastern league ** remain to be enriched by their countries in order to maintain their sovereignty, to be validated with a view to a real invariability and stability and resistance in the face of attacks on its total and absolute sovereignty.
A teacher asks his students for analyzes on:
China of all kinds is built and built on counterfeiting and poor workmanship ...
If we weigh China against its opposites there will be equivalence but if we remove the opposites the result would know the fall of China ...
China is like a clock whose hands are the West and its allies.

Thank you from heart to heart
Thank you mind in mind
Best Wishes