To all my friends good evening
01-03-2021, 05:52 PM
Especially when we talk about
The Salam for Dabshaleem the advised of KISRA Persian monarch who says
O my king who is one of your closest sons
He replies: who ferrets science everywhere, who dodges haunts and shame, and who sees above ...
So we would talk about dear Iran ...
If Iran would like to be like its past see above.
If Iran wants to be like its future see the history of AITALLAH Le Khomeini.
If Iran would like to be like its present, it is difficult.
However my dear Iran and sincerely ...
We consider after observations from the U.N. and its inspectors who must continue their work.
Knowing that Iran would have every right to have passive nuclear power.
At the same time we would invite the USA and its ALLIES to lift and abolish and repeal the sanctions but gradually little by little on the scale that Iran gives all guarantees of passivity of its program and serenity of its behavior aggressive in the region.
Iran and its ALLIES should know that the West is not looking for shackles or blackmail but to spread peace in the region.
Thank you
Very and very good and excellent cordially
Best wishes