23-10-2008, 04:01 PM
A pun is a phrase or sentence in which the several meanings of one word are alluded to in an attempt, with varying levels and measures of success, to elicit humour.

Some Puns for You...!!

Oil executives are always using crude language.

Working in the bakery left her with a loathe of bread.

Winning candy as a prize is always a sweet victory.

I hate it when motorcyclists hog the road.


أنت يا أيّها الافريقيّّ !!

هل تعلم أنّ 45% فقط من سكّان افريقيا مسلمون؟!

6 ملايين من مسلمي افريقيا يعتنقون النّصرانيّة كلّ سنة !

أليس من المفروض أن تكون افريقيا قارّة مسلمة؟

فأين نحن من نشر هذا الدّين ؟