Good night....
26-02-2021, 08:44 PM
1 //// The borders or in another term the borders a vast range of which what is necessary is which are inherited by the colonization, the common families the mixed marriages… .etc.
Sudan and Ethiopia ...
This land contested between the two countries as the first resonance is divided by guaranteeing the soil and the water and each party would be adept at its state.
Co-administration of the two countries in this region without the direct and absolute and bureaucratic intervention of the two states… etc.…. Of investments… the rest of the public affairs of these two states.
2 //// Dear Tunisia ..
If we go beyond the observation and put the remarks ....
Tunisia is the creator of the Arab democratic scene, but superficially ...
We avoid inserting any character on the margins because all of them must integrate the Tunisian political and economic and social, cultural and sporting aspect.
We avoid the debates which consists of blackmail or by ideas and programs as if a software with a beginning and means and goal.
We avoid being fortified by foreigners, especially those looking for the hubbub ...
Instead of going out in demonstration asking for political things ... it is true but the expression is never fulfilled it is accomplished through economic reforms ... etc ...
And here the fault ...
We recognize that parliament and the head of state never hears.
There remains the head of government who invites us to bring together not characters but the programs that will be evaluated by commissions in the areas mentioned above including its quality, honesty and credibility and autonomy and independence and sharpness.
You will say where are
Must carry Tunisian nationality… in the Fifth Continent… forgive us but in Tunisia there are also they are either militants or members in the parties or even in the civil communities.
But these Tunisians of the interior have another mission is to provide data, statics and laws ... etc.
A vision over at least 25 years.
We say your outings would have no interest or losses on February 27.
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This is why we say tunisia the pillar of democracy a republican system TBARKALLAH.

3 //// Myanmar
As it does every day, China continues to play a role in the instability of the world and to have its allies lead with it.
But if Kong Zi says that religion is the pawn of the people where was arrested and tortured and sentenced to death by the Chinese emperors ..
We are now saying that China is the pawn of disaster and people's unrest ...
We are very convinced as democrats that the allies of China in this country and abroad falling into confusion and ambiguity of its future because of the revolution and rebirth of the people.
We are also convinced that China has every total and absolute right to fortify the army but without imposing orders and instructions to subjugate the people.
Ditto investments ... banks are quite the same as USA, EU ... etc.
Thank you
Very cordial
Best wishes