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Redeem 11-05-2009 03:37 PM

Drops Of Wisdom
Assalam Alaikum

I'll share some quotes of wisdom that encourage the reader to think , reflect and also act.

Drop of wisdom 01:

Umar bin Al Khattab once wrote a letter to Abu Musa Ash’ari, offering him this advice:

“Remain ever in fear of God; and learn the Book of God, for it is the source of all knowledge; for weary hearts, it is the freshness of spring”.

Drop of wisdom 02:

Imam Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya (Allah have mercy on him) said:
“Those who desire are three types:
  • Those who desire Allah,
  • Those who desire what Allah has,
  • And those who desire other then Allah
So the lover is the one who desires Allah. The one who is concerned with works is the one who desires what Allah has. And the one who is satisfied with this life, in neglect to the Hereafter, is the one who desires other than Him”.

Drop of wisdom 03:

"Submit to the rulings of the religion, for Islam is linguistically derived from submission and do not engage in rational analogy using your intellect alone. For the intellect has limits that it can reach just as the sight has limit that it can reach."

Drop of wisdom 04:

"All that exists in the created universe is illusion, fantasy, reflections in mirrors, or shadows.
But the Sun of Guidance has dawned in the shadow of “Other than God”, so be not perplexed in the desert of error! Who is man? The reflection of the Eternal Light. What is the world? A wave on the Everlasting Sea.
How could the reflection be cut off from the Light? How could the wave be separate from the Sea?
Know that this reflection and this wave are that very Light and Sea, for here duality is impossible, impossible.
Look at the travelers on the Path of Love, how each has a different spiritual state.
The one sees in each atom of the world a Sun radiant and imperishable,
Another directly witnesses in the mirror of existence the beauty of the hidden archetypes,
And a third sees each one in the other, without veiling or defect."


Drop of wisdom 05:

Rumi Said:

"Sometimes in order to help He makes us cry
Happy the eye that sheds tears for His sake
Fortunate the heart that burns for His sake
Laughter always follow tearsBlessed are those who understand
Life blossoms wherever water flows
Where tears are shed divine mercy is shown"

Drop of wisdom 06:

“Never be ashamed of Not knowing a thing, but always be ashamed of NOT WANTING TO KNOW.”

Drop of wisdom 07:

"All the hopes, desires, loves, and affections that people have for different things — fathers, mothers, friends, heavens, the earth, gardens, palaces, sciences, works, food, drink — the saint knows that these are desires for God and all those things are veils. When men leave this world and see the King without these veils, then they will know that all were veils and coverings, that the object of their desire was in reality that One Thing… They will see all things face to face."

Drop of wisdom 08:

“Before you act, consider what you are doing and why; whom you are acting for? Stir up a sense of thankfulness, a sense of longing, hope, fear, slavehood. Bring to mind the majesty, tremendousness, beauty and mercy of Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala. And then begin your action. So that moment before you act, the moment in which you turn your heart to Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala is of the greatest moments of your life. And if we make ourselves accustomed to keep striving to turn to Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala in those precious moments we’ll find that our lives will be coloured with the dye of spiritual favour from Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala, we’ll find our hearts and our entire life being enveloped in divine assistance and divine favour. And we’ll find light and serenity and contentment in our life.”

Drop of wisdom 09:

"Two friends are like two hands, one of which washes the other."

Drop of wisdom 10:

"True intelligence is that person should remain ever suspicious about his own self rather than of others. One should never be contented with one’s spiritual state at any moment in time. One should always be in doubt about oneself. This is why the Arifeen say: Always have good opinion of others and always be suspicious of yourself."

Drop of wisdom 11:

"Wonder of wonders! How is it that the same people who leave food out of fear of sickness cannot leave sin out of fear of the Hereafter."

Drop of wisdom 12:

Ali 'radi Allah anhu' Said:"Be more concerned for the acceptance of your action than you are for the action; for, an action with fearful obedience will not be little. How could an action which is accepted be little?"

Drop of wisdom 13:

"Knowledge without action is insanity and action without knowledge is vanity."

Drop of wisdom 14:

If you do not act according to your knowledge today, and you do not make amends for days gone-by, you will say tomorrow on the day of Resurrection, “Send us back and we will act virtuously!” And it will be replied, “Fool! You have just come from there!”

Drop of wisdom 15:

“How many times should you forgive someone?”
“As many as times as you wish for Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala to forgive you.”

Drop of wisdom 16:

“Hearts without trust in God have to listen to a lot of advertisements from hell.”

Drop of wisdom 17:

"Making a “living” is not the same as making a “life”. If you pursue happiness, it will elude you. But if you focus on your family, your friends, the needs of others, your work and doing your very best you can, happiness will find you."

Drop of wisdom 18:

“There is no meaning to faith unless it is accompanied by work, and no benefit in a doctrine which does not motivate its bearer to make it fruitful and to sacrifice himself for its sake.”

Drop of wisdom 19:

"There is no good in wealth without generosity; there is no good in brotherhood without caring for one another; there is no good in a blessing that is short lived; and there is no good in supplication without sincerity. "

Drop of wisdom 20:

"My friend, seize the chance to live, How many a corpse that came to them was revived; Never shall anyone be disappointed, never, Who comes with a true intention. Clear your heart for the theophany, Open your eye for true joy; Other than the Divine, my friend, abandon, And be annihilated in the exalted entity."

Drop of wisdom 21:

“If you are looking for a friend who is faultless, you will be friendless.”

Drop of wisdom 22:

Ali Radia Allah Anhu Said:

“People before us used to advise each other of three things - the one who works for his Hereafter, Allah will take care of the matters of his din and dunya for him; and the one who beautifies his inner self, Allah will beautify his appearance; and the one who rectifies that which is between him and Allah, Allah will rectify that which is between him and people”

Drop of wisdom 23:

"You should imagine everyone whom you see as better than yourself, even though someone may be obedient and someone else disobedient, since it might be that the obedience of the former is the last of his acts of obedience while the sinfulness of the latter is the last of his sinful acts."

Drop of wisdom 24:

“Truly in the heart there is a void that cannot be removed except with the company of Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala. And in it there is a sadness that cannot be removed except with the happiness of knowing Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala and being true to Him. And in it there is an emptiness that cannot be filled except with love for Him and by turning to Him and always remembering Him. And if a person were given all of the world and what is in it, it would not fill this emptiness.”

Drop of wisdom 25:

"True repentance entails constant regret of your sins. Without remorse, good deeds, be they abounding, could be eclipsed by pride that follows piety. Remorse for a sin is superior to good works. Never forget your transgressions to save yourself from conceit."

Drop of wisdom 26:

"Do not consider yourself to be better than your fellow-men, but rather as of less value than all others, for it is such who are counted great in the sight of God."

Drop of wisdom 27:

Umar ibn Abdil-’Aziz (rahimahullah):

Become a scholar, if you are able.
If you are not able, then be a student.
If you can not, then show love for them.
If you are unable to do that, then (at least) do not hate them.

Drop of wisdom 28:

"Do not try to run away from trials and tribulations, but endure them with patience. They cannot be avoided, and there is nothing for it but to endure them with patience. How can you expect the whole of this world, and all that has been created therein, to undergo change and transformation just to suit your convenience? The Prophets are the best of all creatures, yet they have always had to suffer afflictions and so it is for their followers, those who thread in their footsteps as they walk along their highway, emulating their example."

Drop of wisdom 29:

"Observe how the life of this world deceives those around you. It lures them into the traps of vanity, wealth, and fame, and exalts them above others. This splendor blinds them, and they are lost forever in illusion. But then in one instant, life deals the blow of death, and all is gone, and with the Beguiler it stands laughing at their sad end. So overcome your egos that you may be saved from the snares that devoured kings and paupers alike."

Drop of wisdom 30:

"Hope and fear are like the two wings of a bird, when it is flying straight to its destination: if one wing fails, and if both fail, it dies."

Drop of wisdom 31:

“Through our destiny God speaks to us, through our worship we speak to Him”

Drop of wisdom 32:

"People are like stained glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is light from within"

Drop of wisdom 33:

"A servant is never free of either blunders or shortcomings or lassitude. Therefore never be neglectful of repentance, and never turn away from the act of returning to God the Exalted, and never neglect acts that bring you closer to God the Exalted."

Drop of wisdom 34:

"Mahabba (love) is a condition which man feels in his heart, too subtle to be expressed in words. This subtle spiritual state leads the worshipper to recognize the greatness of God, instills in him the desire, above all things, to please God, makes him unable to tolerate God’s absence, induces in him constant excitement at the thought of God; he finds no rest without God and feels an intimate comfort in continual thought of Him. Yet the idea of the love of man for God does not imply physical attraction and possession. How could it do so—since the true Infinite is too holy to be fully attained or reached or comprehended. It is more to the point to describe the man who knows mahabba as being completely lost and overwhelmed in the beloved, than to refer to the relationship as one of possession. If the lover were described as submerged in the beloved, it would be more adequate than if they were described as being together."

Unfaithful 12-05-2009 09:32 AM

ÑÏ: Drops Of Wisdom
Great words
thank u very much

Redeem 16-05-2009 02:35 PM

Re: ÑÏ: Drops Of Wisdom

ÇáãÔÇÑßÉ ÇáÃÕáíÉ ßÊÈÊ ÈæÇÓØÉ Unfaithful (ÇáãÔÇÑßÉ 634978)
Great words
thank u very much

You're most welcome my sister=)
Allah bless you:)

Redeem 16-05-2009 02:36 PM

Re: Drops Of Wisdom
Drop of Wisdom 2:

Imam Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya (Allah have mercy on him) said,
“Those who desire are three types:
  • Those who desire Allah,
  • Those who desire what Allah has,
  • And those who desire other then Allah.
So the lover is the one who desires Allah. The one who is concerned with works is the one who desires what Allah has. And the one who is satisfied with this life, in neglect to the Hereafter, is the one who desires other than Him”.

Redeem 17-05-2009 02:42 PM

Re: Drops Of Wisdom
Drop of Wisdom 3:

Submit to the rulings of the religion, for Islam is linguistically derived from submission and do not engage in rational analogy using your intellect alone. For the intellect has limits that it can reach just as the sight has limit that it can reach.

Unfaithful 18-05-2009 11:04 AM

ÑÏ: Drops Of Wisdom
thanx a lot
good job

Redeem 30-05-2009 10:15 AM

Re: Drops Of Wisdom
Drop of Wisdom 4

All that exists in the created universe is illusion, fantasy, reflections in mirrors, or shadows.
But the Sun of Guidance has dawned in the shadow of “Other than God”, so be not perplexed in the desert of error!
Who is man? The reflection of the Eternal Light. What is the world? A wave on the Everlasting Sea.
How could the reflection be cut off from the Light? How could the wave be separate from the Sea?
Know that this reflection and this wave are that very Light and Sea, for here duality is impossible, impossible.
Look at the travelers on the Path of Love, how each has a different spiritual state.
The one sees in each atom of the world a Sun radiant and imperishable,
Another directly witnesses in the mirror of existence the beauty of the hidden archetypes,
And a third sees each one in the other, without veiling or defect.

Redeem 31-05-2009 03:43 PM

Re: Drops Of Wisdom
Drop of Wisdom 4

Sometimes in order to help He makes us cry
Happy the eye that sheds tears for His sake
Fortunate the heart that burns for His sake
Laughter always follow tearsBlessed are those who understand
Life blossoms wherever water flows
Where tears are shed divine mercy is shown

Ferzan ozpetek 31-05-2009 04:19 PM

ÑÏ: Drops Of Wisdom

Redeem 01-06-2009 11:13 AM

Re: Drops Of Wisdom
Drop Of Wisdom 5

“Never be ashamed of Not knowing a thing, but always be ashamed of NOT WANTING TO KNOW.”

ÇáÓÇÚÉ ÇáÂä 05:15 PM.

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