كتاب يعلمك كيفية صناعة القنبلة الذرية (nuclear bombs)
13-11-2008, 10:05 AM
كتاب يعلمك كيفية صناعة القنبلة الذرية
Amazon Review
Only a twisted prankster or a deluded madperson would publish a book on how to build a nuclear weapon. The author of this book however does t fit any of these two categories, and despite the title of this book, he has written a book that covers the issues and horrifying prospects behind chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons. The title therefore is somewhat misleading, and one should t expect to find detailed explanations on how to construct a nuclear bomb. Even a terrorist group who was interested or had the kwledge on how to do this would t share this kwledge, preferring instead to keep it to itself
Only a twisted prankster or a deluded madperson would publish a book on how to build a nuclear weapon. The author of this book however does t fit any of these two categories, and despite the title of this book, he has written a book that covers the issues and horrifying prospects behind chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons. The title therefore is somewhat misleading, and one should t expect to find detailed explanations on how to construct a nuclear bomb. Even a terrorist group who was interested or had the kwledge on how to do this would t share this kwledge, preferring instead to keep it to itself
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التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة خير الدين الجزائري ; 13-11-2008 الساعة 10:06 AM
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