بعض المصطلحات الاقتصادية باللغة الانجليزية
15-01-2009, 07:28 PM
Economics: the science of the allocation on limited resource forsatus factions of human wants
economy : economic of system of a contry
trade: bisness of bying ,selling or exshanging goods or service
busness adminstrations: activity of buying and selling comerce of trade organisation that sells good or provides a economic policservices
Emarark: to set a side of a special purpose as when in a budjet ,finds are emaraked for a certain projects
Economic imperialism:involvement of one contry in the economy of an othen to the degree that the serveryuty of the latter is impaired
Economic growth:the increase in a nations production of goods and services often measured annually in the gross-national- product.
Economic regulation:gvermental regulation of business practices, indastry-rates,graveas servied buy particular industries
Economic stability: the setuation in whith there is economic growth rising national in income high inployment and steadness in the general level of prices
Economic warfare: conflict between nations over economic issues that results,ineach side taking action against the other,to raise tarriffs restrict import on boy cott the other goods
Economic national: govermental divection and control of foriegn matters, apolcy of economic nationalism aims at achieving a stats economic political or secuity objctives by producting the domestic mareket increasing trade appoltimity a board or both
Economic interst group: agroup with the primary purpose of promoting the financial interests of nembreus
cupidarrowcupidarrow : the intgration by two or more states of their economics through developement of economic policies