تسجيل الدخول تسجيل جديد

تسجيل الدخول

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منتديات الشروق أونلاين
منتديات الشروق أونلاين
تغريدات تويتر
  • ملف العضو
  • معلومات
الصورة الرمزية medas
عضو فعال
  • تاريخ التسجيل : 19-06-2007
  • المشاركات : 111
  • معدل تقييم المستوى :


  • medas is on a distinguished road
الصورة الرمزية medas
عضو فعال
Riba (usury) : Let's discuss
28-07-2012, 11:20 AM
Assalamu Alaykum. Ramadan Mubarak.

I thought of discussing Islamic topics in Ramadan to both learn more about Islam and help our English get improved.

I came across a text talking about usury or Riba. It wasn't written by a Muslim ; in reality, it talked about Riba in general and in which he gave a small space to talk about Islam. By the end of it there is a clear call to all those who are "religious" to explain why to go to banks that use Riba while it is clearly forbidden? Not only this, but he is questioning why these banks exist if the ones who created them are christians or muslims in the Islamic world?

I can't say more about it, let the article talk by its own, here is the link :
On Profit: What Do Spiritual Books Say?

You can comment there too if you want to add to the discution

We will have some other topics if the idea pleases you, if not, it will be like many forgotten threads. Have a nice reading.

التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة medas ; 28-07-2012 الساعة 11:51 AM
  • ملف العضو
  • معلومات
الصورة الرمزية aline 4
aline 4
عضو فعال
  • تاريخ التسجيل : 02-05-2012
  • المشاركات : 130
  • معدل تقييم المستوى :


  • aline 4 is on a distinguished road
الصورة الرمزية aline 4
aline 4
عضو فعال
رد: Riba (usury) : Let's discuss
28-07-2012, 10:19 PM
Giving and taking interest is unlawful. Unfortunately, the basis of many of the transactions (especially in banking and insurance), personal or business involve interest. Thus it is becoming increasingly difficult for the majority of the Muslims, especially those who are comercially orientated to abstain from dealings involving interest. Many of us purchase items on ‘Buy now, Pay later' schemes thinking that this sort of scheme is of great benefit to us. Sadly, what we fail to recognize at the time of purchasing this ‘supposed bargain' is the fact that if we fail to pay the required amount at the due time, we will be liable to pay interest.
Now, suppose a couple of months ago, we were purchased an item on a ‘Pay later' scheme in which there was no question about us keeping upto date with payments, however due to a change in our financial situation, we have failed to pay the required amount, and are paying interest now as a result. We would have joined a group of those unfortunate people who have been cursed by the Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam.
Our advice to anyone who is involved in any form of interest is that the individual should minimise his expenditure in these dealings and if possible abstain completely from these transactions. In any case, every individual should continue to seek Allah’s forgiveness. The philosophy shows that a person who takes interest does not gain anything in reality but through the explanation of the Qur’an verse,
" Allah decreases interest and increases sadqah"
That in reality the money just goes to waste and the person does not even realise, and a person who gives money in the path of Allah, in whatever form it may be, actually gains although in reality it seems as though he is loosing out.
Every person should take all necessary precautions in their financial and social dealings. If a person neglects in keeping a watchful eye on financial dealings, this negligence will slowly spread to other aspects of religion. This will have a very detrimental effect on religious matters.
The dealings of usury and interest are not only a disadvantage to us in this world but will also be a source of great discomfort and pain for us in the hereafter. The Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam has informed us about the punishment that awaits those people who deal with interest:
“Hazrat Abu Huraira Radhiallaho Anhu has reported the saying of the Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam that during his ascension (Mi'raaj), he noticed a group of men whose stomachs were bloated to the size of big rooms and their wanting to move from their positions was impossible. They would be crushed in a stampede by the friends of Fir'awn. The Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam seeing their condition asked Hazrat Jibra'eel Alayhis Salaam about their identity. He was informed that they were the people who indulged in dealings of usury and interest.”
The summary of the matter is that interest is hazardous and should be abstained from in all manners. If anybody has a case they wish to solve then they should contact a Mufti and present their problem as it is.
I conclude by asking you my dear reader, is it really worth destroying the eternal life of the hereafter, just so that we may have a few more comforts in a life which can come to an end any moment

التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة aline 4 ; 29-07-2012 الساعة 02:18 AM
  • ملف العضو
  • معلومات
الصورة الرمزية medas
عضو فعال
  • تاريخ التسجيل : 19-06-2007
  • المشاركات : 111
  • معدل تقييم المستوى :


  • medas is on a distinguished road
الصورة الرمزية medas
عضو فعال
  • ملف العضو
  • معلومات
الصورة الرمزية aline 4
aline 4
عضو فعال
  • تاريخ التسجيل : 02-05-2012
  • المشاركات : 130
  • معدل تقييم المستوى :


  • aline 4 is on a distinguished road
الصورة الرمزية aline 4
aline 4
عضو فعال
رد: Riba (usury) : Let's discuss
30-07-2012, 04:44 PM
[QUOTE=medas;1423166]Detailed answer bro. I just want to add that there are Islamic banks that lend money without interest. We have some here in Algeria Alhamdu Lillah.[/QUOTE

Assalamu Alaykum. Ramadan Mubarak

please menttion 2 of them
Thank you sooooo much
  • ملف العضو
  • معلومات
الصورة الرمزية medas
عضو فعال
  • تاريخ التسجيل : 19-06-2007
  • المشاركات : 111
  • معدل تقييم المستوى :


  • medas is on a distinguished road
الصورة الرمزية medas
عضو فعال
مواقع النشر (المفضلة)

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